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Creating your unique piece of yoga art is a very fun and collaborative process.

When you are ready to place an order, please go here to fill out a short questionnaire, and complete payment.

Once you complete the form and submit payment, email your yoga photo to msaetham [AT] gmail [DOT] com. Submit a photo in the highest resolution you have available. Ideally, the lighting is bright enough so that I can clearly see the posture, but I will do my best with what you have and let you know if I run into any issues. 

I will contact you before I get started to discuss the project and share some ideas. I will make a preliminary sketch and get your approval before finishing the piece. Your custom artwork will be made in the style of the samples you see here, using heavy weight watercolor paper, vibrant watercolor paints, and fineliner Micron pens. 

Framing or matting options can be discussed. Additional costs may apply.

Please allow 2-3 weeks for me to create and ship your art. I can most likely accommodate quicker turnarounds if necessary - just let me know! 

Ready to get started? Head to the store.