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Hi! I'm Mary. I'm a curious, creative explorer with a love for playful design, adventurous travel, nutrition, and Bikram yoga. 

As a child, I loved to draw and write stories. As a teenager, I channeled my creativity into digital art and web design, later following my passion to become an Advertising student at Boston UniversityNow, in my normal waking hours, I'm an Art Director at NatureBox making snacks look beautiful via digital and print design.

Until 2014, it had been many years since I picked up a paintbrush. Life got in the way. At the request of my encouraging mother, I joined her for a plein air oil painting workshop. After that weekend, my desire to create fine art - away from the computer - was so overwhelming, like this hidden part of me had finally been let free after being buried for so long. I rushed to the closest art supply store and picked up what I could and started creating.

I get the most enjoyment out of drawing what I love - animals and yoga! My yoga illustrations allow me to express the non-physical aspects of each posture. Often when I am meditating or practicing yoga, I visualize different colors and the movement of energy up and down my spine. Now I challenge myself to channel those visualizations into my art. 

In addition to yoga illustrations, I do charcoal pet portraits - mostly so I can live vicariously through other dog owners. I love capturing the unique personality of each animal. 

I balance my love for design with my love for mind and body fitness as a certified Bikram yoga teacher. I have taught at many studios all over California and Australia, and have competed in the 2010 Northern California Regional Yoga Asana Championships. 

View my regular design portfolio here.